Hiding from the Learned and Clever and Revealing to Children
Hiding from Learned and Clever and Revealing to Children The day that we got our Camino Credentiale, the official note that you have completed the walk, we also went to the 12n Pilgrims Mass at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. It was a simple Mass but a profound one that included the swinging of the great thurible at the end of Mass. But the other thing that struck me was the Gospel of the day on Saturday 6 October. It was Luke 10:17-24. To save you looking it up, it was about the disciples returning to Jesus after being on mission. Jesus praises God that what the disciples learned was hidden from learned and clever and yet revealed to children. He then tells them they are blessed for what they have seen. This is a profound message for the Camino Way. To walk the Camino you do not need to be learned or clever. You do not need to do courses. But, if you have the open eyes and ears of wonder that a child has, you will discover much. It will be reveale...